Ground Investigation Surveys

Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental investigations are an essential starting point for the design of any construction project.

Technics’ Geoscience Department is responsible for undertaking geotechnical and geoenvironmental site investigations and reports for clients on the ground conditions of their sites, enabling them to appropriately manage risks due to geology and contamination.

What is a ground investigation?

Before a site is re-developed the first step should be commissioning a ground investigation. Specialist engineers and geologists collect information on a range of vital factors that can affect any project, including:

–  Geology
–  Soil consistency, strength, structure
–  Groundwater
–  Potential for contamination

Our ground investigations cover both geotechnical and geoenvironmental factors. Both geotechnical and geoenvironmental investigations are investigations of the ground, but with different focuses :

A geotechnical investigation is primarily concerned with testing the physical properties of the soil, to provide recommendations for foundation requirements, excavation stability, drainage and buried concrete design.

A geoenvironmental investigation mainly focuses on the chemical properties of the soil or groundwater, to assess the risk of harm to human health or the environment.

Why do I need a ground investigation?

A ground investigation is of particular importance to developers, landowners and construction companies as the findings can be used to avoid potential problems from unforeseen ground issues.

Data obtained from the investigation is used to generate a ground model which is then used to provide expert, cost-effective recommendations for the construction and design of a project. Ultimately, a good understanding of the geotechnical and geoenvironmental conditions of a site will result in a more efficient and economical project.

A survey is needed for all development projects whether you’re in the defence sector or property sector.

What does a ground investigation include?

A ground investigation is a combination of desk-based research and thorough investigations, tailored to fit the specific needs of the project.

The stages we offer include :

Desktop Study

The first stage of a ground investigation is the provision of a desktop study. This desk-based research draws upon our wealth of experience and expertise and is a very cost-effective way to gain an initial understanding of ground conditions. The desk study assesses the likely site conditions, based on a review of maps, historical records and publicly available information. This can then be used to determine the anticipated ground and groundwater conditions and whether there is likely to be a risk from contamination.

Factual Report

The next stage is an actual ground investigation whereby our engineers physically inspect the ground and take samples for testing. Samples are obtained through boreholes, window sample holes, probing and trial pits, with the investigation methodology and testing specifically selected for each site. The results of the ground investigation – site records, logs and laboratory results – are all collated to form a Factual Report.

Interpretative Report

Whilst the Factual Report shows the current site conditions, the next stage of the process is where our expert engineers can really add value to your project, with a detailed interpretation of the factual data. The interpretative report comprises the analysis and assessment of factual data against specific criteria for the proposed development scheme to develop site-specific recommendations. Our experts then present their recommendations on appropriate foundation types, contamination remediation measures etc. to support the development.

Detailed Assessment

The final stage takes the interpretative report a step further by delivering a detailed assessment of the conditions at the site for a specific situation.
A detailed geotechnical assessment could be site specific analysis, such as a basement impact assessment or a slope assessment to see the effect on the proposed structures, neighbouring properties, infrastructure
A detailed geoenvironmental assessment could be undertaken to consider the contamination for that site in particular, using site-specific information, often with specially-derived assessment criteria for that site.

Whatever methods prove to be most relevant to your project, and subject to your needs, we will use the services to provide:

  • Geotechnical reports
  • Contamination assessment reports
  • Recommendations and designs for aspects such as; foundations, highways/pavements, slopes, underground structures, ground movement, retaining systems, earthworks, and contamination remediation.

Find out more information in our helpful and comprehensive blog about ground investigations.

Why use Technics for your ground investigation?

Technics Group has more than 30 years of experience providing high-quality consulting and surveying services tailoring the right technology to your project.

With Technics, you won’t just receive a report. Our expert engineers are on hand to interpret and translate the report and offer you the advice you need. When you choose Technics we can confidently say you are talking to real experts.

When opting for a ground investigation, it is important to consider the other services you need alongside it such as utility detection and topographical surveys. Both of these are essential before conducting a ground survey. Fortunately, the team at Technics can provide the full package.

From topographic and measured building surveys to utility detection and vacuum excavation… the team at Technics can do it all.

Take a look at Our Services page to find out more about the additional services we can offer to complement your ground investigation.

Have more questions about what could be included in your ground investigation? Contact our team of experts at our Guildford office on 01483 230080 or email to find out more.