Ecological Surveys

There are many factors that need to be considered when planning a new building development, whether it be a large commercial development or a small residential build. One of the areas to consider that has become increasingly important in recent years is the impact a potential development could have on the environment in the area. Our Ecological Surveys can help you do just that.

What is an Ecological Survey?

To put it simply, an ecological survey, also known as environmental surveys, is an assessment of a planned development site to determine what impact a project may have on the environment around it.

Our Ecological Surveys can evaluate a proposed area and identify any plants, species and habitats that may be impacted negatively by the development. The findings from these surveys can then be used as part of your planning application submission.


Why do I need one?

Ecological Surveys have become more and more important over the years, particularly with the introduction of legislation protecting a variety of species and habitats. Nowadays it is a legal requirement to consider the impact a proposed development will have on the environment around it.

If protected species and habitats are likely to be found in the proposed development area, planning bodies will usually require information from an ecologist to be submitted with planning applications. It is likely that a planning application will not be approved without evidence that you have considered the effect your proposed work could have on the environment. By conducting an Ecological Survey at the start of your project, you can avoid potential delays with the planning application process.

Aside from it being a legal requirement, the population as a whole are much more conscious of preserving the environment and supporting sustainable development. Our Ecological Surveys can give you and your clients comfort that the development will not have a negative impact on the surrounding wildlife as well as demonstrating your commitment to sustainability.


What could be included in an Ecological Survey?

The first stage of an ecological survey is a Phase 1 Survey, commonly referred to as a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA)

This survey consists of an initial ‘walkover’ and desktop study where data is collated to map out the potential habitats, plants and species that could be affected by the development.

At this stage, if the desktop study identifies no protected habitats or species then our ecologists will provide you with a report confirming these findings which can then be submitted with your planning application.

If the desktop study identifies the potential presence of protected habitats or species which are likely to be affected by the development, then more detailed surveys will be necessary before submitting your planning application.

This is where our expert ecologists can really add value to your project as we can also offer advice at this stage on what steps and additional surveys may be required to complete the second stage of the survey.

The second stage is an Ecological Impact Assessment. The findings from the PEA form the basis of this assessment and are developed further to assess the likely impact the development could have on the protected species and habitats identified.

The Ecological Impact Assessment will include findings from additional surveys carried out by our team of experts such as a Protected Species Survey. The assessment you will then be provided with will cover the following :

  • Detailed descriptions of the protected species and habitats that could be affected by the proposed development
  • Predictions on what the likely impact would be
  • The measures put in place by the developer to reduce the likely impact

Our ecologists will be on hand throughout the process to talk you through their findings and ensure you have the information you need to submit with your planning application.


Why Choose Technics?

Technics Group has more than 30 years’ experience providing high quality consulting and surveying services with top of the range technology.

With Technics, you won’t just receive a report. Our expert ecologists are on hand to interpret and translate the report and offer you the advice you need. When you choose Technics we can confidently say you are talking to real experts.

When planning a new development, it is important to consider the other services you need alongside it such as utility detection and topographical surveysFortunately the team at Technics can provide the full package. Take a look at Our Services page to find out more about the additional services we can offer to complement your ecology survey.

Have more questions about how our Ecological Surveys can help with your project? Contact our team of experts at our Guildford office on 01483 230080 or email to find out more.