Technics to support Challengers this Christmas

Once again, Technics has chosen to support Challengers as our Christmas charity, which advocates for inclusivity in play for disabled children and young people.

This year, our donation will go towards providing a day out for 20 young people at Thorpe Park. One of the UK’s most popular theme parks, and not far from Challengers’ Guildford home, its rides and attractions should be a great chance for everyone to have fun as a group.

Technics began its mission supporting Challengers back in 2014, and I am proud to say that this year we have really stepped up our game.

In May, we took part in their annual Motoring Event, which started at a farm near Newdigate and ended at a private motoring museum. During the route, unfortunately my car broke down in the middle of the Surrey countryside, but nonetheless the event still managed to raise over Β£12,000.

In June, I abseiled off the top of Guildford Cathedral, which raised more than Β£765. That same month, we held our celebrating marking the 30th anniversary of Technics, where we hosted two parent representatives from the charity. We also held an auction, raising more than Β£3,100.

Finally, last month, I attended their 40th anniversary celebration and gala dinner, helping the charity mark an important milestone in their timeline, much as we did earlier in the year.

Our commitment to this charity has only grown and strengthened over the years, and we look forward to continuing our role supporting the great work that they do as we approach 2020.

To find out more about Challengers and the great work they do, please visit