What is a Measured Building Survey?
Building surveys can be undertaken for many different situations. Each purpose will require a certain degree of accuracy, which will affect both the time taken and the cost of the survey.
Measured building surveys can be undertaken for the following;
β’ Interior Design
β’ Structural alterations
β’ Refurbishment
β’ Net Internal Areas
β’ Fire layout plans
β’ Modelling & Visualisations
β’ Rights of light & Party wall issues.
β’ Planning
The surveys are tailored in accuracy of scale and content to the clients detailed specification and may include all or any of the following:
β’ Floor plans,
β’ Reflected ceiling plans,
β’ Internal and External Elevations,
β’ Sections and Sectional Elevations.
Surveys are undertaken of all types of buildings including residential, commercial, retail, leisure and industrial. To ensure the accuracy of our plans, data collection is highly automated using a range of survey instruments. These allow for fast and accurate production of the required drawings in whatever format the client requires.
The surveys may also incorporate more specialist activities such as precision verticality checks, laser scanning, historical detail and remote service tracing such as detection of chimney flues.